
earth image   Building a world-wide community of researchers, educators, policy makers, and students interested in Computational Sustainability

Please click here for information about the comp-sustainability Yahoo! Group, including how to join and how to post messages. Briefly, you may join the group in one of two ways:

  1. If you have a Yahoo! account, please click here. Accessing this group through a Yahoo! account will give you full access to all features, including email archive, links, calendar, discussion forum, polls, member list, etc. Please be sure to mention your full name and affiliation in the comments section when requesting membership as your Yahoo! ID will most likely not provide this information to us.
  2. If you do not have (and do not wish to create) a Yahoo! account, please send a blank email to comp-sustainability-subscribe@yahoogroups.com. Without a Yahoo! account, you will have access to (only) the email list.
To reduce spam, all subscription requests go through the moderators and only members are allowed to post messages to this list.

To post messages as a member, please send an email to comp-sustainability@yahoogroups.com. If you are not a member and would still like an announcement posted, please see the contact information below.

   Carla P. Gomes, or
   Ashish Sabharwal
Sponsored by:
   Institute for Computational Sustainability (ICS)